Prisca T, Marketing Strategist
Natasha is an incredible coach. Everyone should have a Natasha in their life! She will open up your eyes to a completely new way of seeing the world, in fact you will be learning to create your own destiny, one where you stop being a victim of circumstances and start being a lead actor in your life.
This requires a readiness to accept change, face the hard truths, and a deep commitment to staying the course but it is so worth it. Besides, coaching with Natasha is never boring. She has so much knowledge, wisdom, and stories that it is impossible not to learn something new or have a meaningful takeaway at each meeting. She also successfully bridges theory to practice by giving you access to a wide range of tips and tools to help replace our old, negative habits or default positions with deliberate and proactive choices. This is truly a transformative journey – in the best possible way.
Lorna C. Cruz, Sales Manager
It all began with an adult education course entitled “Live by Design/Not by Default”™ with Natasha Sherman and evolved into working with Natasha as my Life Coach. Natasha provides tools and strategies but most of all her coaching created a safe place to come back to my authentic self. She helped me get beyond my ingrained behaviors so I could become the ME that I envisioned. If you truly want change, Natasha skillfully and lovingly supports you in making it happen. As a result of working with Natasha, my life and business are thriving by my “design”, as I have designed them, and my relationships are thriving.
I arrived on Natasha’s figurative doorstep with a bag full of old grief, anxiety, sleeplessness, and an unceasing questioning internal voice. Natasha helped me to see my life from a new perspective. She guided me through the challenging choices to eliminate those things that no longer served me well. This opened me to a new view and experience of myself. She doesn’t coddle me but rather truthfully guides me towards breaking through my negative patterns. I am deeply grateful to have found her.
Chuck, Video Production Professional
Before I worked with Natasha, my wife was frustrated with my inability to focus during conversations. Needless to say, it impacted our relationship. Since working with Natasha as a Coach, life has altered dramatically. I gained insight into what was getting in the way of being an effective listener, and I developed successful listening techniques and new habits. If you are looking for a satisfying life and a true understanding of yourself, I strongly recommend Natasha.
Linda Madani, ASID
Madani Interiors
Natasha’s classes and coaching sessions are an eye opener to how you live your life
day in and day out. She takes your ordinary life and helps you to create an
extraordinary life. The tools Natasha teaches you to have in your toolbox of life are
life-changing. If you want to make positive changes in your life and have better
outcomes in your relationships, personal and professional, working with Natasha is
for you! Don’t wait, just jump in and you will not regret it!
Cathy Campbell
Stone Campbell Marketing, LLC
Natasha did such a great job and taught me so much. Each and every day I find
ways to integrate the tools she taught me. She helped me plan and learn how to
be my NEW self in my career and in my personal life. I have started a new chapter
and am happier than ever.
Robby Battisti Golden, aka “The Pork Roll Princess”
The Pork Roll Store, Allentown NJ
Sitting in Natasha’s class along with private sessions – wow! – how did I ever learn
to do without any of the things she taught me. I went from being just average to
being over the top in business, now celebrating 100 years.
I like being challenged and asked her to be tough. She coached me the way I
wanted to be coached, AND it worked. Natasha will teach you how to win at the
game called Life.
Lin Elek
Writer and Tutor
As someone lyrical once said, life is a long and winding road. Sometimes you need
more than the strong shoulder of a good friend to find your way through the
labyrinth. Natasha is that wise and compassionate guide for me. Caught between
personal goals and family challenges, both of which I thought needed my undivided
attention, I felt worried, guilty, and stuck. Natasha’s beautiful mix of intuition,
empathy and practicality helped me see bright paths ahead. Her strategies and
“homework” taught me to see I had choices and that I could find my own answers.
My favorite lesson: slow down, take a breath, (take another one), and let yourself
be surprised that, despite its challenges, life makes room for the things you need.
Including joy. For anyone stuck in the labyrinth, I highly recommend you let
Natasha and her navigating skills help guide you home.
Daniel Rovny, PT, MBA
Rather than focusing on the why of the past, Natasha helped me inquire and find the “what is possible” and “what’s next” of the future. Natasha is intuitive and empowering. She was always in tune with my values and personality. Our sessions were practical and meaningful, and they helped me gain more balance, fulfillment, and joy in my life. I am grateful for Natasha’s impact. She is a skilled and masterful coach.
Dennis Nobile, President, nth degree media, inc.
Through insight, empathy, and communication, Natasha empowers her clients to find success in their professional and personal lives. She is uniquely qualified to help you identify roadblocks, build your strengths and develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve your goals in your career and in your life. I have witnessed Natasha in action and it is an impressive thing to behold. I recommend her highly.
Elizabeth P, College VP
Having Natasha as my Coach as I create a life that is authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling has been so empowering. Before coaching with Natasha, I felt stuck by indecision in certain areas. Since starting the coaching process, I have helped settle my father’s estate, spent much more joyful time with family and friends, handled a change of career responsibilities with courage and integrity, and learned to put setbacks into proper perspective while continuing to move toward my goals. Quite simply, through coaching with Natasha I have started to live a more purposeful and focused life.