My Story
I grew up in an isolated mining town in the middle of nowhere; a town filled with taverns, isolation, really cold weather, and zero culture.
I grew up with a consuming inner critic, a lack of encouragement to reach for anything out of the norm, feeling trapped, and with a profound longing to escape. It felt like the old Peggy Lee song, “Is That All There Is?”
Hence began the adventure of my personal evolutionary journey; getting educated, jobs, travel, training, living in a Yoga Center in India, marriage, children, divorce, reinventing myself over and over; often out of necessity, but always in service of my inner longings for living a fulfilled life.
Firstly, I had to give up the idea that I needed to be fixed – really! Absolutely everything we know and do, started with us not knowing. And we learned! There’s just more to learn.
So, all those things; self-doubt, feeling unfulfilled, unproductive habits, flagging relationships, wanting more or less of something but not knowing how to make it happen, can be transformed. I am living proof of that. It is possible for anyone willing to go for it.
Here’s the thing. No matter where you go, there you are. All the ways that you operate in life that work well for you, come with you. But so do all the ways you operate in life that don’t work well for you; your mindset, fears, unproductive habits, perceived obstacles, and lack of clarity. You do not need to be fixed. You are not broken. There are just new things to learn and the key to that is mastering change.
Are you ready to take action?
I am the Coach that is committed to getting you there. I will be your private pilot.